In compliance with the provisions on the Spanish Reglamento General de Protección de Datos (RGPD) 2016/679 of the 27th of April of 2016 that came into effect on the 25th of May of 2018 and the Spanish Ley Orgánica 3/2018, MALCO DIGITAL GROUP SRL fulfils the requirements of the legislation and handles its customers data in accordance with the legal requirements and purposes to find in our privacy policy. The legal basis that authorises us for the treatment of your personal data is the following: (i) your consent by signing or accepting the relevant forms for one or several special purpose/s (ii) and, when applicable, the execution of a contract you are a party of as a contractor or awardee.
The customer consents the data provided by them, including personal data, to be included on the automated files and proceed to their treatment.
The customer consents the communication to third parties on compliance of purposes directly related to the legitimate functions of the assignee.
The customer consents the communication by any channel, including email or equivalent electronic means, of information and advertising of our own or from third parties of products and services similar or different to the already rented. Nevertheless, this consent can be revoked sending an email to [email protected]