Festival of San Pascual (Vila-real)

Published 12 de May de 2017
We love parties, especially street parties And for this reason at Malco, we believe we should introduce you to the man who made all this possible. Pascual was born in Torrehermosa on Easter Sunday, “ Pascua” in Spanish. So that’s where his name originates. He was the son of Martín Baylón and Isabel Yubera, farmers of the area. Until the age of seven he lived in his home town and then until he was twenty he lived in Alconchel de Ariza with Martín García, a citizen of the village. Pascual became a shepherd, and apart from looking after the sheep, he taught himself to read and write with the help of the Bible and ancient scriptures. Later he moved to the Kingdom of Valencia to work for Aparicio Martínez in  Monforte del Cid (Alicante). After an amazing event known as the “miracle of the apparition”, he asked to be accepted in the order of St. Francis, in the monastery of Nuestra señora de Orito. He became patron of Villarreal, Torrehermosa,Alconchel de Ariza and other places and a holy saint of many temples, parishes and monasteries throughout the land and was especially adored in the ancient territories of the Kingdom of Aragon. Carlos II, King of Spain, declared in 1861 his royal patronage of the chapel of Villarreal where the saint’s body was buried. On 17 May 1992, festival of Saint Pascual Bailón IV, on the one hundredth anniversary of his death, the King of Spain, Juan Carlos I,  reinaugurated the Royal Chapel and presided over the transfer of the saint’s remains to the new sepulchre. These remains survived the flames of the burning of the Basilica during the Spanish Civil War. To protect the ashes of the saint, the citizens of  Villareal began to transfer his remains to their houses where some of his ashes have never fully been recovered. The town’s festivities held in his honour date from the XVIII century, but mainly have taken place after he was declared patron of the town in 1917   During a period of ten days the town changes its daily routine: processions, open-air dancing, spectacles, sport, and the Bulls: “ fire bulls in the street” known locally as “bou embolat”. Many groups of friends come together to celebrate the festival from the town’s buildings. On 16th May, the eve of the Saint’s festival, a huge bonfire is burnt – “la foguera” accompanied by an offering of thousands of flowers on the steps of the Basilica. On the Monday of the town’s festivities a traditional “xulla” takes place where the citizens have lamb chops for dinner. Remember that Malco Rent a Car offices in Castellón, Vila-Real, Castellón Airport offer you very competitive prices to rent your vehicle, van or refrigerated van and without any hidden charges.
Published 12 de May de 2017 by :
Licenciado en ADEM y profesional en el sector de la movilidad desde 1996. Ha estado en empresas como LRAC, Hertz y en la actualidad es CEO de MALCO DIGITAL GROUP SRL.

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