The Carnival of Cádiz

Published 16 de January de 2017

The Carnival of Cadiz, is a festival of International Tourist Interest and takes place from February 23th to March 5th, 2017, although its duration is much longer, since a large parts of it are developed around carnival groups that commence their festivities weeks before.

The Carnival of Cadiz is one of the most important in the world. It congregates hundreds of thousands of visitors in Cádiz during its celebration.

Its Choir Competition which includes Comparsas (carnival troupes), Chirigotas (comic carnival bands) and Cuartetos (quartets) is internationally famous. The official competition of the carnival groups is held at the Gran Teatro Falla.

The carnival music is heard on all the corners of the city, the last details of the fancy dress costumes are finalized (in Cadiz they are known as “tipo”), some of them true works of art and the gaditano/a  (person born in Cadiz) lives with all of his or her soul one of the most awaited festive and joyous events of the city. It is perhaps one of the funniest and joyful of all the Spanish carnivals.

The Choir Competition of the groups mentioned above begins three to four weeks before the carnival starts. To attend it is necessary to buy tickets well in advance. The carnival fiesta on the first weekend is the most important includes; Saturday night, the Sunday Choirs, the Sunday Parade and the Monday of The Choirs. During the week there are contests of associations by different ‘tablaos’ (flamenco) of the city. The second weekend of the Carnival is a little more relaxed.

The people of Cadiz look forward to the arrival of Carnival because the city becomes a grand stage and its people are the main protagonists. As part of the programme there is horseback riding, tablaos (flamenco), gastronomic events, firework shows and the small carnival that takes place the following weekend after the main Carnival and many other events which fill these dates with colour, revelry and fiesta in the beautiful city of Cadiz.

Every year the capital of Cadiz attracts thousands of visitors, being one of the most popular carnivals in Spain along with those of the Tenerife and the Carnival of Águilas. The three are all recognized as a festivals of International Tourist Interest

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